Nursery Admissions

Little Heath Nursery provides a safe and stimulating environment which enables each child individually to develop to their full potential. Through observation by all staff, we plan and provide high quality care using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.

In June 2017 we moved into our Foundation Unit. The building is cedar clad with large windows to the front and rear.  The interior colours have been chosen carefully to support the sensory needs of the children and careful consideration has been given to the layout of the rooms to ensure the environment and provision supports learning. Our new building is designed to allow Nursery and Reception children to move freely between classrooms. The areas have been carefully planned to provide learning opportunities for all the children’s development stages within the EYFS. Our building is designed to support imaginative play and creative learning with natural materials.  We have an extensive outdoor area which complements indoor learning although both are equally important.

As a parent or carer you are kept fully informed of your child’s progress through their personal learning journal which gives you access to photographs and observations made throughout the day.  You also have access to daily contact with the class teacher to allow you to discuss your child’s progress on a 1-2-1 basis.

We welcome all visitors to our Nursery.  Please contact the school to make an appointment.

What We Offer

Little Heath Primary School offers up to 30 hours of child care.  This offer is made for children in the September after they turn three. 

If places are available we may take children in the term after they have turned three.  We have 26 places available in our Nursery.  Please note that you will still need to reapply for your Nursery place for the following academic year.

All parents are entitled to 15 hours of free child care and can buy additional hours for their child at £7.00 per hour.  Some children will be entitled to 30 hours of free child care. The nursery operates from 8.45am until 3.00pm.  If a child is staying all day, parents will need to provide them with a packed lunch or they may purchase a school lunch.  For further information please click on the links below.

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How Applications are considered?

Once the closing date has arrived, we will then consider all the applications made. If there are less than 26 applications made, all offers will be made. If we receive more applications, then the following criteria will be applied.

  1. Does your child have an EHCP
  2. Is your child a looked after child (or previously look after)?
  3. Does your child have any medical or social reasons why Little Heath is the school they should go to?
  4. Does your child have a sibling in the school?
  5. Does one or more of the parents work in the school?
  6. The distance you live from the school

To be eligible for criteria 1-3, further documents will be required at the point of application.  If these are not sent in with the application form, the criteria will not be considered.

How do I apply?

Click on the link below for a Nursery Application Form. Complete the form and hand it in to the school office.

When do I apply?

Applications for September 2025 can be made between 3rd February 2025 and 7th March 2025.

After this time, applications will be classed as late applications and will be looked at after other applications have been considered.

How will distances be measured?

We will use the following online distance measuring tool to calculate the straight line distance from your house to the school

When will offers be made?

Offers will be made in the week beginning 10th March 2025 via email.  Parents will have until 22nd April 2025 to accept or reject the offer

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Nursery admissions timelines 2025.docx .docx
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